replaced – Platinum Cured Silicone Rubber


SKU: RTV-Silicone-1 Category:

We use this extensively for working with epoxy resin.
We use other rubbers also for molding, as PolyUrethane will not stick to Silicone & Vice Versa, so with the two rubbers you can make molds to then cast dozens or hundreds of other rubber products.

link to a table of properties
Link to colouring pigments

We only found 1 UK supplier & we found a large post-covid price rise, but they are good = MBFG

RTV Silicone Size

Sample 100g (50g A & 50g B), Initial use 2Kg (1Kg A & 1Kg B), Regular use 4Kg (2Kg A & 2Kg B)

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